Trauma Informed Supervision Prompt Sheet



Professionals working in trauma-informed supervision often encounter various challenges in their practice. These challenges may stem from the difficulty of addressing trauma-related issues, understanding the impact of trauma on clients, and maintaining self-care to prevent burnout. Without appropriate supervision and certain guiding questions, these professionals might struggle to provide the best care possible.

If these challenges are not addressed, it could lead to negative outcomes for both the supervisor and the supervisee. The supervisor might feel overwhelmed and inadequately prepared to handle the complexities of trauma-informed supervision. The supervisee, on the other hand, might feel unsupported, leading to increased stress and decreased job satisfaction. This can eventually affect their ability to effectively help their clients.

Our worksheet, filled with prompt questions specifically designed for trauma-informed supervision, offers a structured approach to tackle these challenges head-on. The questions are aimed at promoting a deeper understanding of trauma, enhancing empathetic responses, and fostering a supportive supervision environment. By using these prompt questions as a guide, supervisors and supervisees can engage in meaningful discussions about trauma-informed practices, thus enhancing overall service delivery.

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